
Which Organic Compound Is Most Common In Foods That Come From Animals

Common Nutrient Additives in Natural & Organic Foods: Are They Safe?

13 min read

The US Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA) cheerfully tells u.s. that we shouldn't worry about all the common food additives and ingredients that can legally become added to our food. After all (and I'm quoting direct here), "Our ancestors used salt to preserve meats and fish, added herbs and spices to improve the flavour of foods, preserved fruit with carbohydrate, and pickled cucumbers in a vinegar solution. Today, consumers demand and savor a food supply that is flavorful, nutritious, prophylactic, convenient, colorful, and affordable. Food additives and advances in engineering help make that possible."

To ensure consumer conviction in these food additives, the FDA has compiled the GRAS list. GRAS stands for "By and large Recognized equally Safe," and if the depression bar and vagueness of that phrase doesn't trouble y'all, the following facts might.

The Problem with GRAS

The FDA's GRAS database contains over 3,000 food additives and coloring agents, way more than the few hundred deemed safe by the database maintained by the European Marriage. How did the FDA come upwardly with that listing? Not by rigorous, unbiased testing, that'due south for sure. The information FDA regulators use to determine an ingredient's GRAS condition typically comes from the manufacturer of that ingredient. But in the bulk of cases, the FDA doesn't even counterbalance in at all. In fact, the FDA ruled on only around forty% of the half dozen,000 safety-related decisions on ingredients submitted between 1990 and 2010. The rest were left up to manufacturers and trade associations to decide upon — without FDA review.

So information technology'due south no wonder that US consumers are confused about whether food additives are actually safety. Co-ordinate to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Middle, nearly ii-thirds of Americans concord that food treated with artificial preservatives, colorings, and other additives comes with some risk. There's a general preference toward "natural" foods in America, but natural doesn't always hateful what the consumer thinks it does.

This article explains why food additives are used, and takes a closer look at the near commonly used additives in natural and organic foods. What exactly are these additives? And what do we know near their safety?

Why Are Nutrient Additives Used?

concept showing appearance of food additives

According to the FDA, nutrient additives may be used for i of three master reasons. First, to maintain or better safety and freshness; second, to improve or maintain nutritional value; and tertiary, to improve taste, texture, and appearance.

Think about some of your favorite packaged foods and beverages. Have y'all ever been surprised by how long they stay fresh and maintain their texture, season, and coloring? I'll bet at that place are junior loftier school basements withal full of Twinkies and Saltines that were bought during the Eisenhower assistants. You can give thanks food additives for that. Considering of the ready-to-eat and convenience-focused nature of near foods today, food additives are used widely.

Some of the most common types of nutrient additives include compounds used for specific purposes like:

  • Anticaking – prevents lumps in powders similar flour and crystalline substances like salt
  • Bleaching – lightens or enhances the colour of a nutrient or allows them to brown when cooked
  • Chelating – binds to minerals in foods to foreclose deterioration
  • Clarifying – keeps liquids articulate from sediment
  • Conditioning – improves the blistering quality of flour
  • Emulsifying – keeps water- and fat-soluble ingredients from separating
  • Leavening – promotes rising in baked goods
  • Wet control (called humectants) – keeps packaged foods moist
  • pH control – controls acidity and alkalinity in food to prevent spoilage
  • Stabilizing and thickening – provides structure and "fatty" mouthfeel to low-fat foods
  • Food preservatives, including antioxidants and antimicrobial agents – keeps nutrient from spoiling
  • Colorings, which may be natural or constructed – improves the appearance of food
  • Flavorings – adds flavor
  • Sweeteners – adds sweetness

The end goal of each of these types of additives is to make food more assisting to merchants through decreased spoilage, and more than attractive to consumers, whether through improved taste, nutrition, appearance, convenience, or a lower price.

Nevertheless, the need for food additives would decrease if we relied more than on fresh foods in our diets. In general, the faster the nutrient spoils, the meliorate information technology probably is for you.

Food Additives in Natural Foods

labels for 100% natural, organic, vegan, or GMO free Tolgyesi

Before nosotros go on, take a moment and inquire yourself what "natural" means. It'southward a prissy, comforting word, conjuring up images of flowers, rivers, and placid cows grazing in verdant fields. Who wouldn't want their food to exist "natural" — the way nature intended?

All the same, the nutrient manufacture knows that this word creates a halo outcome, and so throws it around liberally on nutrient packaging. The problem with the term "natural" is that consumers automatically associate it with 100% natural ingredients and confuse this merits with organic. Unfortunately, natural and organic are not the same affair.

"Natural" is a marketing term that'due south not regulated in the US. However, it is regulated in some other countries. In the US, the FDA is dragging its feet on regulating this term. They did enquire for public comments on whether "natural" deserves a regulated definition and how its use in food should be allowed dorsum in 2016, merely it doesn't appear that this has gone anywhere since.

Then currently, " natural " is very loosely defined to mean "nothing bogus or synthetic (including all color additives regardless of source) has been included in, or has been added to, a food that would not unremarkably be expected to be in that food." Since this definition is so vague, and so rarely enforced anyway, it has become, functionally, a misleading term that has little to no substance.

So what's the takeaway here? The give-and-take natural doesn't equal safe or healthy. It also doesn't hateful organic or non-GMO.

Here'southward a funny and illuminating video that explains what "natural" really means (and doesn't mean!).

https://world wide

Organic Food Additives

Organically grown foods don't include GMOs, and are also gratuitous from most pesticide treatments, including glyphosate. Whatsoever multi-ingredient or processed product has to contain at least 95% organic ingredients to bear the official organic label. That means there may still be room left for upward to 5% not-organic ingredients. But these must be approved for use in the USDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.

While thousands of additives can be added to conventional foods, merely around 40 agriculturally produced additives, and 65 non-agriculturally produced synthetics and non-synthetics, are immune in organic food — and only after they've received a proper review from experts. These ingredients are permitted for use in organic packaged food simply if there is no natural or organic alternative. Overall, organic food additives are considered safer than regular additives, and there are a lot fewer of them. But as you lot'll run into below, they're not without their own issues.

10 Common Food Additives Establish in Natural or Organic Foods

Lecithin a common food additive

Below are some of the virtually common food additives in many natural and organic foods. Keep in mind that because in that location are so many additives, and the amount fluctuates over time, this is not virtually a comprehensive list.

1. Carrageenan

Carrageenan is a mutual food additive that's made from seaweed. It's a stabilizing and gelling agent that's often used every bit a vegan culling to animal-derived gelatin and turns upwards in many establish-based dairy alternatives.

The intake  of carrageenan , for the average American, has increased significantly since the 1970s, from 45 mg to 7.7 chiliad per day. (In other words, American'due south are consuming 171 times every bit much carrageenan today as people did when they sat downwardly to picket All in the Family together.) Simply at that place'due south currently no specified acceptable daily maximum to eat.

While a few studies have seemingly established the safety of carrageenan and support its usage as a nutrient additive, there is also a growing body of evidence that shows carrageenan may have more concerning outcomes than previously determined.

Although carrageenan is immune and consumed in many natural foods, there are real concerns about its safety. Reported side furnishings of ingesting carrageenan include digestive issues, and at that place is some business organization around its potential bear upon on gut health, inflammation, and glucose intolerance.

Interestingly, I've noticed that some institute-based brands have been phasing out their utilize of carrageenan, largely due to consumer demand to exercise so. More and more products now state that they don't contain carrageenan, which is encouraging.

2. Xanthan gum

Xanthan gum is a thickening amanuensis derived from sugar fermented with a bacteria chosen Xanthomonas campestris. Xanthan gum is a common food condiment used in foods similar packaged baked goods, ice cream, soup, sauces, salad dressings, gluten-free foods, and low-fat items.

Even though xanthan gum is derived from fermentation, information technology'southward however considered a synthetic substance considering it was created in a lab and doesn't occur naturally. Because of its synthetic nature, some consumers allege it doesn't belong in foods perceived equally "natural." Merely its usage may not be all bad. In fact, information technology appears to offer some potential health benefits. For instance, some human and animal studies indicate that xanthan gum may help lower high blood sugar, amend bowel regularity, help people with dry rima oris, and may have anti-tumor backdrop.

On the other hand, some testify suggests xanthan gum may lower blood carbohydrate besides much, crusade allergic reactions in some people, and cause unwanted digestive symptoms, peculiarly when consumed in large doses.

An additional consideration is the sugar source used in the fermentation process. The sugar used for xanthan gum production may come from wheat, corn, soy, or dairy, which exercise non need to be organic and therefore may exist genetically modified. Unfortunately, no certified organic xanthan gum variations exist currently, but some brands may be Non-GMO Project verified .

3. Guar gum

Guar gum is some other gel-like thickening agent, and comes from guar beans. Equally a food condiment, it's often found in pudding, yogurt, sauces and gravies, soups, breakfast cereals, and water ice cream.

Some studies evidence that small amounts of guar gum may offer a few health benefits — acting as a prebiotic, improving blood carbohydrate amongst people with diabetes, reducing total and LDL "bad" cholesterol, and supporting weight loss. However, there are also some concerning health and ecology aspects of guar glue.

In the 1990s, a weight loss product called Cal-Ban three,000 caused a stir when serious side furnishings were reported. In an effort to amend satiation, large amounts of guar glue were used in the production, which swelled to 10-20 times their size. Many people reported esophageal and bowel obstructions — and it even acquired a few deaths. Although the amount of guar glue used in this weight loss product was vastly higher than the amounts used in food, some side effects are still existence reported from consumption of guar glue, including gas, diarrhea, and bloating. As a result, guar glue is more than tightly regulated now, with allowable amounts ranging from .35% in broiled goods to two% in vegetable juices.

Guar beans also have an association with hydrofracking — a very environmentally unfriendly fossil fuel sourcing process. Guar mucilage'south gel-similar consistency has been used to brand this process more than efficient, which makes some of the other thickeners on this list seem slightly more appealing (but withal non ideal ingredients).

four. Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acrid is a mutual food additive that's the constructed course of vitamin C. Used every bit an acidity regulator and antioxidant in packaged foods, ascorbic acid helps forestall bacterial growth and improve shelf life. Information technology may besides be added for nutritional purposes, or used in pocket-sized amounts to prevent discoloration.

Ascorbic acid is largely considered nontoxic, and is h2o-soluble, meaning it'south non stored in the body. While excessive exposure may atomic number 82 to erosion of tooth enamel, produce diarrhea, and promote kidney stones, the levels needed to achieve these side effects are far beyond what is typically used for food additive purposes. Overall, vitamin C, whether synthetically added as ascorbic acrid, or obtained naturally from nutrient, tin can deed as an antioxidant in the torso, support immunity, help boost atomic number 26 absorption, and may even improve your skin wellness.

v. Agar

Agar (or agar agar) is a gel-like texturizer derived from algae with similar backdrop and usages to carrageenan. Ordinarily constitute in Asian foods, agar is another institute-based alternative to gelatin.

Agar is generally nontoxic with no established upper daily intake corporeality. But it does have maximum amounts set by the FDA for its apply in different types of food, which is reassuring at least.

Some animal studies observed that very high intakes of agar could cause nutritional imbalances, diarrhea, and potential damage or blockages in the GI tract (merely again, these amounts were well higher up the maximum amounts allowed in food). While others have shown beneficial furnishings of agar, including protecting against non-alcoholic fat liver disease. Currently, agar is approved and recognized as safe for homo consumption in the US, European union, Britain, Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand, and by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.

6. Gelatin

A couple of the additives above were mentioned as substitutes for gelatin, and then what exactly is gelatin? This is a highly purified animal poly peptide derived from the collagen of pigs, fish, and cows. In other words, it'southward a mixture of proteins and peptides found in fauna connective tissues, and is not vegan (equally y'all might accept guessed).

Gelatin is used as a thickener and stabilizing agent in foods like pudding, sauces, broths, soups, and processed. Information technology'southward incredibly cheap to make considering information technology's a byproduct of the meat industry and almost always comes from factory-farmed animals. There are grass-fed and fish-derived versions also, simply they are not widely used.

Because gelatin is made almost entirely of amino acids and protein, information technology appears to be depression-take a chance for side effects. And information technology even comes with some alleged health benefits, such as improving os and joint health, hair thickness, and peel weather. Still, there are cleaner, plant-based ways to derive these benefits. And there are plenty of other options for thickening and stabilizing foods that don't add to the upstanding and ecology disaster that is manufactory farms.

vii. Natural Flavors

Natural flavors are made in a lab setting and are used in countless packaged foods. Like bogus flavors, they are used to fob your tastebuds into thinking a food has a sure natural characteristic or flavor. The difference is that while artificial flavors are derived from inedible substances (like petroleum!), natural flavors are generally derived (originally) from edible sources of some kind. The definition from the FDA is a mouthful of words, which basically comes down to the fact that "natural flavors" can mean about anything, and therefore may come with risks of allergens and unwanted side effects.

Over 2,500 chemically-derived season substances are used in the Us and Europe, with some of the mutual ones being diacetyl, MSG, and castoreum. Overall, natural flavors are a cheap mode to brand food gustatory modality better and keep you lot coming back for more. They have no nutritional value, and I'k sorry to say that they may or may not be harmful since there isn't e'er a lot of transparency on what they're derived from.

8. Lecithin

Lecithin belongs to a larger group of compounds called phospholipids, which are fats that are a precursor for choline — a compound necessary for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In its natural state, lecithin has been studied for its cholesterol-lowering effects and potential usage in treating ulcerative colitis.

Lecithin is used as an emulsifying agent in foods like ice cream, peanut butter, and infant formula. While it occurs naturally in egg yolks, whole grains, soy, and Brussels sprouts, the nutrient condiment version of lecithin comes from either soy, eggs, wheat, safflower, or corn. You'll ofttimes encounter soy lecithin as an additive in many meat analogs, pregnant that particular lecithin came from soy. When used in organic products, lecithin may nevertheless come from non-organic sources (unless organic is specified on a per ingredient basis), which could mean information technology came from a GMO ingather.

The nigh usually reported side furnishings from consuming lecithin are digestive complaints. Even so, because of its involvement with choline metabolism in the body, lecithin can also increment TMAO levels, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

nine. Carnauba Wax

Carnauba wax comes from the leaves of palm trees. It's used as a coating agent to make things appear shiny. Information technology's also used equally an anti-caking agent, a flavor carrier, and helps to prolong shelf life. As such, carnauba wax is considered a safer alternative to petroleum-based waxes.

While information technology'south generally regarded equally nontoxic, there isn't very much enquiry on its usage as a food additive. Still, at that place is one case of allergic atopic dermatitis that was reported from a kid taking chewable vitamins that contained carnauba wax. Bottom line, if you're allergic to carnauba wax or recall you might be, don't swallow products that contain it.

ten. Citric Acid

Citric acid is used equally an acidity regulator and antioxidant to prevent the growth of bacteria on food. It'due south also used as a preservative and flavor enhancer. Citric acid naturally occurs in citrus fruits, and sometimes that's where it's sourced from. But a synthetic version is also used every bit a mutual food additive. Synthetic citric acid is unremarkably derived from a fungus, Aspergillus Niger, which may exist genetically engineered. The fungus is combined with a substrate made from commodity corn, which may also exist genetically engineered.

Some research suggests that citric acrid may help heighten the absorption of nutrients like iron, zinc, and magnesium, and even prevent the germination of kidney stones. Just the fungus used in the creation of synthetic citric acid is as well a known allergen. While side furnishings seem rare, there are a few case reports of individuals experiencing severe inflammatory reactions from synthetic citric acid ingested equally a food condiment.

Natural, Condiment-Free Recipes

When yous're making your own succulent plant-based creations that naturally piece of work their magic, you don't demand to worry near common food additives. Creamy Jalapeño Lime Dressing is naturally thick, thanks to blended white beans. Avocado Primal Lime Pie gets its creamy mouthfeel from avocados and coconut foam and is "preserved" through freshly squeezed lime. And homemade kimchi is not only delicious, just it lasts longer than fresh cabbage that hasn't been fermented. Through making food at home, "natural" can actually mean what information technology should — ingredients directly from the earth.

ane. Creamy Jalapeño Lime Dressing

creamy jalapeño lime dressing

What recipes do you think of when you hear the word "beans?" Maybe you lot think tacos or chili. Or perhaps you love beans in a variety of soups. Have you thought nearly creating a delicious salad dressing out of beans? They tin make a thick base of operations, similar to creamy salad dressings you might see at the grocery store, simply without synthetic thickening agents. This confirms it — beans are pretty magical, merely in a good style!

2. Avocado Key Lime Pie

avocado key lime pie

If you want to create a flossy mouthfeel with whole, constitute-based foods, so await no further than avocado. And the lime juice prevents oxidation naturally, helping the avocado keep its brilliant green colour. Between the creamy avocado and oxygen-scavenger lime, this tangy pie is tasty, pretty to look at, and good for you.

3. Homemade Kimchi

homemade kimchi in jar

Fermentation is an aboriginal food preservation practice that existed earlier nosotros had access to synthetic preservatives. This bootleg kimchi recipe takes us back to the roots of fermentation and demonstrates how just v minutes of preparation (forth with a bit of patience while you wait for the friendly bacteria to do their job) can result in a tasty, nutrient-dense, and synthetic-free additive.

The Takeaway on Food Additives

person holding shopping basket full of produce in grocery store Studio

Food additives are used in a variety of foods, including "natural" foods that are often falsely perceived as being healthier or more eco-friendly. But because the term natural isn't regulated, it doesn't mean the additives are any safer for you. And while nutrient additives used in organic foods are much more limited, in that location's all the same the possibility of ingredients that may pose some risk to consumers. Discretion is advised when it comes to regularly consuming foods with a lot of food additives. Ultimately, the all-time foods are those that come directly out of the world, not from a package. And if it is in a package — the shorter the ingredient list, the safer and healthier it's likely to exist.

Tell united states in the comments:

  • Take you noticed any of these common food additives showing up in foods yous regularly eat?
  • Take you lot noticed any of your favorite plant-based brands removing certain food additives from their products?
  • What exercise you retrieve almost food additives? Are at that place whatever you lot consciously endeavour to avert?

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