
What Techniques Do Trainers Use To Train Circus Animals

America doesn't really do circuses anymore, at least not similar it used to. Today, when the circus comes to town, it's either human-just performers, or information technology's picketed by animal rights activists. Books, documentaries, and horrific accidents have convinced most would-be circus patrons that the whole business is both antiquated and cruel. Non only exercise circus animals suffer from abusive training practices and low-quality intendance, but the circus environment is then far removed from their natural mode of living that it sometimes makes them a little crazy. Add to that the fact that a wild animal volition e'er be a wild animal, and their human handlers are in danger, too.

You don't hear about circus animals attacking their handlers that much anymore, at least not in the context of American performances. Internationally, beast-on-trainer violence happens much more ofttimes, since circuses and animal shows relish greater popularity in nations where public business for animal welfare is mostly trumped by public concern for people. Such places are slower to prefer regulations and to convince people that animal cruelty should not be a spectator sport — but nonetheless, horrific attacks like the ones by these circus animals and performing animals are sure to i day make pretty much everyone think twice about buying a ticket to an animal evidence.

The elephant that went berserk

Despite her adorable name, Tyke the elephant was already known for her hard and dangerous behavior when she killed her trainer and critically injured a groom during a 1994 Honolulu circus performance.

It'southward almost not off-white to call her "difficult and dangerous" — she was an elephant, and she should have been living wild where she could be as difficult and unsafe as she wanted. Instead, she was sold to the circus. Signs that she was not cut out for the chore came early — a trainer who worked with Tyke years earlier told the LA Times she would "resist the training" and "run abroad when you tried to do anything with her."

The year before the set on, Tyke injured one of her trainers, and in a dissever incident smashed through a doorway in an apparent escape attempt. On the dark of the assail, she entered the ring rolling something in front end of her, but it wasn't a log. It was the body of her critically injured groom. Her trainer tried to intervene and she trampled him to death, before breaking out of the tent, trampling a tertiary person, and then going on a rampage during blitz 60 minutes traffic in the Kakaako business district. Her bid for liberty was short-lived. Police shot her 87 times, and she died in the street. Since that day at that place have been no live-animal circus performances in Honolulu, not actually for the animals' sake but considering people don't want them there.

King of beasts vs. pokey thing

Circuses in Ukraine are alive and well — the National Circus of Ukraine does non seem to exist at all shy about its apply of performing animals (including lions, tigers, porcupines, and what appears to be a very unfortunate pelican). And that's despite a relatively contempo lion set on that sent spectators screaming out the doors and 1 trainer to the hospital.

According to The Guardian, in 2010, a panthera leo attacked trainer Oleksie Pinko during a operation, and so another lion joined in considering attacking living things is kind of what lions practice, and then someone in the audition filmed the whole thing because that's kind of what humans practice. Meanwhile, everyone else decided that survival beats YouTube fame, then they grabbed their kids — some of whom were just x feet away from the violence — and got out of there.

Other trainers tried to intervene by poking the lions with rods, and the lions just bit down harder. Someone else fired a water cannon at the attackers, and somewhen Pinko was rescued and sent to a local hospital for emergency surgery. He survived the attack, and as far as we tin can tell, big cats are all the same a role of the National Circus of Ukraine'due south show, so no lesson learned.

Could you stop attacking that guy long enough for these irons to heat up?

Panthera leo attacks during circus performances are not a new affair. In fact, death by lion has a long and glorious tradition among traveling circuses, and although no i would e'er say so out loud, in the 1800s the possibility of witnessing an attack was kind of as well a selling point.

In 1872, a lion trainer named Thomas Maccarte, who was missing one arm considering of a previous lion attack that somehow failed to convince him that a career change was in order, was performing in Bolton, England, when his lions decided they'd had simply most plenty of him and killed him. For the full, bloody, blow-by-blow you can read the New York Times' business relationship of the attack in their archives, simply try not to consume anything immediately beforehand.

To make a horrific story less permanently psychologically damaging, let's just say that Maccarte, who was dressed equally a Roman gladiator, tripped and vicious in the ring and the lions saw an opportunity. Circus officials tried to stop them past firing blanks, so by shooting them with BB guns from the rifle galleries, and and so by beating them with "irons" that had been heated in a nearby burn, and so at this indicate not much can actually be said about the circus' safety procedures. By the time they actually managed to drive the lions away, it was too late for Maccarte, who died from massive blood loss.

Dinner and a horror testify

Guests at a Hamburg, Frg, dinner show in 2009 were starting on the first course of their $163 repast when v tigers and their trainer entered the band. So the good news is the guests were probably just eating salad or staff of life or something and not a rare sirloin. The bad news is someone was about to go mauled by tigers, and so they probably totally lost their appetites afterward.

Simply like the unfortunate Thomas Maccarte, 28-year-old Christian Walliser tripped and fell and the tigers said, "Heck, it is a dinner show," and then pounced on him. Happily, this particular testify was meliorate prepared for such an incident and did not accept to become back to the kitchen to put kebab sticks on the stovetop or anything. Co-ordinate to The Guardian, they had h2o cannons and fire extinguishers on paw and immediately descended on the attacking tigers, but not before Walliser nearly lost his left manus and sustained injuries to his head and upper torso.

A physician who happened to be in the audience attended Walliser until assist arrived, because evidently the show's safety people had the h2o cannon thing covered but didn't hire a doc. Walliser went on to write a book and continues to piece of work with tigers today. And so what we can really learn from this story and others similar it is that you should always avoid falling down in the presence of large, predatory felines. Maybe even the smaller ones, too.

Bears on ice? Really?

Performing lions roar and sit up and jump through hoops and stuff, but mayhap no circus animal is more greatly humiliated than the circus acquit. These poor creatures take to suffer the indignities of wearing tutus and pointy hats and riding bicycles, and sometimes even weirder things, like ice skating. No, really.

In the fall of 2009, CNN reported that a bear attacked two people during a rehearsal for a Russian circus performance entitled "Bears on Ice," which was exactly as ridiculous as it sounds. The bear was evidently on ice skates when the attack occurred, but he must have been pretty danged svelte on them because he somehow managed to impale a circus administrator and maul a trainer who tried to intervene without the farther indignity of an embarrassing fall.

"It is unclear what caused the bear to attack," the CNN study says, which is pretty obtuse if you lot think about it. Forcing a bear to habiliment water ice skates doesn't seem like an obvious enough reason? Endeavor putting a pair of ice skates on your cat and come across what happens. You're probably not going to come up out of that one unscathed.

Don't mind the blood, the tiger merely wants to help

One of the globe's well-nigh infamous tiger attacks happened in October 2003, when Roy Horn, half of the Siegfried and Roy duo, was attacked by a 380-pound tiger named Mantecore during a Las Vegas show. Co-ordinate to Today, a thorough investigation failed to reveal the reason for the assail — this despite a lot of really wild theories, which include activists somehow provoking the tiger without anyone noticing or that someone in the audience might have used "far-UV or loftier ultra sonics" to trigger the attack. Siegfried and Roy, on the other manus, say the tiger was actually just helping his trainer equally a mother tiger does with her cubs, and so yous know, it was all very sugariness and innocent despite the horrifying loss of blood. "I will forever believe it was his concern for my condom and well-being that acquired him to act every bit he did," Horn subsequently said in a statement. Hmmm.

The tiger damaged a critical artery, so Horn also suffered a stroke and became partially paralyzed. The assail not just ended his career, but also the long-running Siegfried and Roy production. The tiger was forgiven, though, eventually returning to the Siegfried and Roy Hole-and-corner Garden and Dolphin Habitat at the Mirage hotel, where he died in 2014.

They're called killer whales for a reason

It'southward dark times for SeaWorld. What was once a popular destination for families now has a reputation equally a country of sadness and decease. And it all kind of started when an orca attacked and killed trainer Dawn Brancheau.

Co-ordinate to ABC News, the whale, called Tilikum, grabbed Brancheau past the ponytail and pulled her into the pool, then began violently swinging her around. An autopsy later determined that she died from a combination of blunt force trauma to the head, neck, and torso, plus drowning. The assail happened during a performance.

It wasn't the start time Tilikum killed someone, either. In 1991 he was one of iii whales responsible for the death of trainer Keltie Lee Byrne. Tilikum was described as "a difficult brute," and there were only a few trainers who would work with him.

After Brancheau's expiry, CNN aired a documentary titled "Blackfish," which retold the horrifying story and argued that captivity had fabricated Tilikum dangerously unstable. Twenty-one 1000000 people tuned in, and suddenly the beloved family unit theme park was evil. Of course, SeaWorld as well funds a major rescue and rehabilitation programme for marine life, and information technology is a peak correspondent to oceanic conservation and research programs, then maybe a boycott isn't the all-time style to become, but nothing is black-and-white. Except orcas. Okay, maybe permit's stop messing with orcas.

Um, you lot exercise know that thing has venom, right?

Maybe yous've missed it, just snake charming is still a thing. Yous know, guy plays the oboe, serpent rises out of the basket and sways, guy doesn't go killed. Sounds like pretty ho-hum amusement, at present that you mention it. (Why watch some dude with an oboe and a cobra when you can picket Neville Longbottom take downward a giant snake with the sword of Gryffindor?) Anyway. Snake charming is withal a thing.

According to the BBC, Ali Khan Samsudin, a Malaysian who chosen himself "The Snake King," did more than only the oboe/handbasket/cobra thing. He was also known for locking himself up in rooms with snakes and scorpions and then hanging out there for days, which let's face information technology actually seems mode more slow from an observer's perspective than the whole oboe/basket/cobra matter.

In 2006 one of his subjects bit him, only information technology was not his get-go bite (in fact he'd been bitten nearly 100 times), and then he kind of just shrugged it off and went on with his life, which turned out to have but ii days left in information technology. At the cease of that two days he became very ill, was rushed to a infirmary, and so died before he could be given antivenin. So the moral of the story is, when a cobra bites you, go to a hospital. Yes, it'south circuitous, but attempt to understand.

Circus of the scars

America's epiphany well-nigh the general suckiness of performing animal shows came pretty late — in 1987 we were even so okay enough with the circus thing that at that place was actually an almanac circus idiot box effect called Circus of the Stars that ran for 17 years and featured celebrities similar Whoopi Goldberg, William Shatner, and a agglomeration of other people you've probably never heard of considering you're not erstwhile. It was kind of similar Dancing with the Starswith more mortal peril.

Non every performance was an animal human activity (in fact well-nigh of them weren't) but the beast acts that were at that place were kind of unconventionally terrifying. Performers were stars, not animate being trainers, so it's not actually that surprising that accidents and attacks happened sometimes. According to the LA Times, dancer Juliet Prowse was bitten non once only twice by the same fourscore-pound leopard considering for some reason after the beginning time she didn't ask the producers if she could switch to the flying trapeze. The first bite landed close to her carotid artery, so it could have been a lot worse; the second seize with teeth left "only modest injuries," but why button your luck with a large cat when you could button your luck on the flying trapeze instead?

Tae kwon do monkeys

Despite the circus animal horrors we've mentioned and so far, this 1 is actually pretty hilarious considering it doesn't involve any actual decease and too includes monkeys that can do tae kwon exercise. And in that location actually is nothing improve at making your solar day happy than monkeys that tin do tae kwon do.

In 2009, theTelegraph brought us the delightful tale of 42-year-one-time Lo Wung and his troupe of trained monkeys, who were performing outside a shopping center in Cathay. Like so many other mauled-by-his-animals trainers earlier him, Lo slipped and the monkeys started kicking him in the head and punching him in the face. "They were leaping and jumping all over the place," said an observer. "It was better than a Bruce Lee film."

The trainer tried to fend off the attacking monkeys with a stick, and one of the monkeys countered with another stick. At that place was a long, tension-filled pause every bit monkey and trainer stared each other down, and then they leaped at one another in slow motion ... that last bit didn't actually happen, merely it totally should accept.

Later on the trainer got the monkeys under control, he made them kneel with their hands behind their backs sort of similar a Roman general would his conquered enemies, even though it sounds like the monkeys did most of the conquering. And it's a rubber bet the troupe probably never went back to that particular shopping heart considering you wouldn't either if you got your butt publicly whooped by a bunch of tae kwon do monkeys.


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